Videos + Podcasts


Sexuality in Service to God: Debunking Three Modern Myths around Sexuality
Calgary, AB – April 30, 2022

What are some of the everyday myths around human sexuality that most need to be called out and corrected? How do these myths profoundly impact how we view ourselves as human beings and what we value in our culture today? In this webinar Dr. Barry Danylak will debunk three big myths around sexuality and help sort out fact from fiction. We will reflect on the harm caused by these myths and how we can respond to them with a biblical perspective of human sexuality as God designed it. We will wrap up with some reflection on how our sexuality fits within God’s purposes for us as human beings whether we are in a relationship or not.

Trauma During Covid with Solutions in Daily Lives with special guests Mia Klassen (CT) & Margaret Wright (RN, BN)
Calgary, AB – February 12, 2022

Trauma and ACEs (Adverse childhood experiences) have a profound effect on our growth and development as children that can affect us into adulthood potentially leading to PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder). This webinar presentation by two guest health professionals, Mia Klassen (CT) and Margaret Wright (RN, BN), will increase our awareness and understanding on these relationships, while also addressing compassion fatigue and burnout. We will explore resiliency, balance and meaning along with positive childhood experiences that we can utilize in times of high stress like Covid. The webinar includes an hour presentation followed by a time for questions afterwards.

Dr. Barry N. Danylak interviews Lewie Clark of Icon Ministries, What is the Model of Discipleship in the New Testament?
Calgary, AB – November 10, 2021

Most Protestant churches are pastored by married pastors with families, and the Christian home of two parents with children is often regarded as the primary pattern for Christian discipleship. But as we examine discipleship in the New Testament, the model we find is much more dynamic with single adults often leading the way! Lewie Clark is life long single pastor with a passion for the New Testament model of discipleship. Join Dr. Barry Danylak for this webinar interview with Lewie Clark as he opens our eyes to how we need to think differently about discipleship, the church and single adults!

Dr. Barry N. Danylak, How the Sexual Revolution Changed Everything and How to Constructively Respond
Calgary, AB – October 23, 2021

The Sexual Revolution has profoundly changed how Western society perceives personhood, identity, relationships, singleness, and marriage. Understanding what is at the core of the shift in thinking and the assumptions that have brought it about is foundational for constructive engagement with those in our world today. In this webinar Dr. Barry Danylak will briefly sketch the evolution of the revolution, highlight its key points of contrast with a traditional biblical perspective and explore a few ways biblically reflective Christians can pursue constructive interaction in a post-Christian world.

Family Matters: Singleness Matters Centre Street Church
Calgary, AB – July 10, 2021

As part of a four part series on “Family Matters”, Dr. Barry Danylak preached at Centre Street Church in Calgary, Alberta on the subject: “Singles Matter”. Barry’s teaching is from Matthew 19:10-12. 

Dr. Barry N. Danylak, The “Gift” of Singleness: What It Is and What It Isn’t! Calgary, AB – May 29, 2021

The Apostle Paul mentions the term “spiritual gift” in his description of singleness and marriage in 1 Corinthians 7. There is some confusion around what exactly he means using the term. Is simply being single a “spiritual gift”? Is Paul suggesting that marriage is also a “gift”? What about singles who don’t feel “gifted” in their singleness? With a closer look at the text, Dr. Barry Danylak will unpack what Paul means by the term “spiritual gift”, and show what Paul most likely means with the term in reference to singleness. We will then reflect on what his teaching means for how we live today.

Melanie Nelson, Singles in Kingdom Service
Calgary, AB – April 24, 2021

What does it really mean to put the kingdom of God first in our lives and how exactly does Jesus challenge us to do this? How are single adults uniquely positioned for service in the kingdom? In this webinar, Melanie Nelson shares a biblical perspective of putting the kingdom first and together with Dr. Barry Danylak shares a biblical perspective countering common day myths about Christian singles. Melanie also shares excerpts from her interviews with two current day examples of single people in kingdom service in different contexts: David Gregory and Dr. Elizabeth Leelavathi Manasseh; who are empowered in a unique position of global service. Watch this as we explore how God has moved these singles in their particular capacities for service and how the Lord is using their unique giftings and abilities for His glory.

Dr. Barry N. Danylak, Singleness and Marriage are Core Gospel Issues: Here’s Why . . .
Calgary, AB – February 27, 2021

The “good news” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the core teaching of the Christian faith that makes it unique from other traditions. The Christian faith is also distinct from many other popular religious traditions in its affirmation of the calling of singleness. While it may seem that one is completely unrelated to the other, in this webinar Dr. Barry Danylak will show how both marriage and singleness testify to the gospel we proclaim as Christians. We will reflect on what is the essence of our humanity and why the Gospel is the source of the only relationship that is both necessary and sufficient to ever ultimately satisfy us. 

Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Why Singles Are an Emerging Demographic for the Global Church and How It Must Respond
Calgary, AB – January 30, 2021

For the church to thrive in the twenty-first century, it must be consciously aware of the major social shifts in society and stay ahead of the curve by anticipating and responding to changes as they occur. One of the most significant shifts in the twenty-first century is the global decline in marriage and the corresponding emerging demographic of single adults including those never married, divorced and widowed. This webinar will present the global trends and discuss the major reasons that account for this significant demographic shift. The webinar will also discuss what this shift means for the twenty-first century church and how our theology, discipleship, inter-generational ministry practice and outreach must respond to stay ahead of the curve.

Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Finding God in a Pandemic: How to Strengthen Your Soul in a Season of Solitude
Calgary, AB – December 10, 2020

Most of us look forward to the holiday season as a time to celebrate together with family and friends we love. Yet to mitigate the current global health crisis, we are told that we must limit family gatherings and minimize interpersonal contact. How do we navigate this tension for the wellbeing of our own physical, emotional and spiritual health and for those we love? What is God teaching us through a pandemic and how do we find strength amidst physical and personal isolation? This webinar will explain the difference between isolation and solitude and share ways we can maximize the circumstances of a difficult season to grow in our own spiritual journeys while supporting those around us.

Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Why the 21st Century Needs a Theology of Marriage and Singleness
Calgary, AB – November 19, 2020

We live in an age of declining rates of marriage around the world. We also face unprecedented challenges in the very definition of marriage, as well as its significance and purpose. In this webinar, Rev. Dr. Barry Danylak will talk about how now more than ever before, followers of Jesus Christ and his church need fresh theological reflection on marriage and singleness. For those who imagine theology to be the purview of ivory tower academics, this webinar will open up a conversation to show you how useful and necessary theology can be for equipping us to effectively address the problems and issues of every day life.

Pastor Lawrence Irwin: Emboldened Mission
SEE Conference Session
Calgary, AB - November 2, 2019

In the context of Jesus’ great commission to the church and the model of the early Christian expansion, singles are uniquely positioned for radical kingdom service. Pastor Lawrence Irwin explores how singles are strategically poised to be leaders in the evangelistic mission of the kingdom of God with personal examples of how to motivate and empower young adults for radical kingdom service.

Dr. Christopher Yuan: Opportunities and Challenges - Strategies for Engaging Our LGBTQ Friends and Neighbours
SEE Conference Session
Calgary, AB - November 2, 2019

Melanie Nelson: Community at the Core: Keys to Integrating Singles into the Life of the Church
SEE Conference Session
Calgary, AB – November 2, 2019

Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Grounded Theology: The Needed Paradigm Shift in How We See Singleness in the Church
SEE Conference Session
Calgary, AB – November 2, 2019

Sexual identity is one of the most relevant topics of our day and most Christians know someone who is gay. How can Christians better engage with our loved ones and friends in the LGBTQ community? Without any compromise of truth or grace, Dr. Christopher Yuan combines his life experiences and his theological training in biblical languages to bring a fresh and unique perspective on this important topic.

Though the church was designed by God to be in inclusive spiritual family, singles are underrepresented in all dimensions of church life. What are the pros and cons of a dedicated Singles’ ministry? Singles ministry leader, Melanie Nelson, explores community in the early church as a foundation for developing practical approaches for effectively integrating singles into the community life of churches of all sizes.

In a culture where singles now outnumber marrieds, it is vital to ground our perspective of singleness and marriage in what Scripture really teaches. Following the storyline of Scripture, Dr. Barry Danylak provides a fresh biblical-theological foundation for the paradigm shift in how singleness is viewed within the new covenant and demonstrates how this shift is rooted in the redemptive work of Christ.

Lewie Clark: Radical Discipleship: Singles at the Centre of the Discipling Vision of the Church
SEE Conference Session
Calgary, AB – November 1, 2019

Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Sermon “Singleness by Design”
Centre Street Church
Calgary, AB - June 2, 2019

Dr. Barry N. Danylak: What the Bible Really Says About Singleness
Grand Rapids, MI - August 2012

At the center of the expansion of the early church was a radical commitment to discipleship that empowered both marrieds and singles. Looking closely at the model of the early church, disciple-maker Lewie Clark takes us on a journey in examining some of their methods of discipleship and how singles can play a vital role in disciple-making as leaders on the forefront of kingdom expansion.

Why does it seem that singleness is something “good” in the New Testament but something “not good” in the Old Testament? In this message, Dr. Barry Danylak guides us through the themes of singleness, blessing, and offspring throughout the Bible. Whether single, married, or single again, every person is made complete in Christ. Where is God asking you to trust him in his all sufficiency?

This fifty-five minute Youtube video provides an encapsulation of the biblical theology of singleness that is provided in more detail in the resources below.  This video is intended to serve as a condensed presentation of the key biblical texts that show how and why the Old and New Testaments appear at first observation to speak very differently about singleness, but in actuality demonstrate amazing consistency when they are seen as complementary covenants around the atoning work of Christ.

Dr. Barry N. Danylak: What is SEE Global? Ministry Launch Video
Calgary, AB – October 3, 2020

This video provides an introduction to the ministry of SEE (Singles Engaged and Empowered) Global by Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak. The video offers a synopsis of the need for the ministry, the mission of the ministry, and information on the various resources it is making available for churches, missions and the academy.


Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak and Global Missions Podcast: Honoring and Supporting Single Missionaries
July 27, 2021

In this episode, we will uncover a biblical perspective of singleness and it’s application for missions and the church. This discussion walks us through the redemptive biblical narrative to show God’s purposes in singleness, marriage, and the church. Barry reminds us that the church is the spiritual family and suggests some ways that believers can support single missionaries.

Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak and Faith Beyond Belief: Dealing with Singleness
December 10, 2020

In this week’s Everyday Conversations Podcast, Amy talks with Reverend Dr. Barry Danylak about singleness and the Christian worldview. In today’s world sexual expression is considered nearly an absolute right and any restriction on sexual freedom is viewed as repressive. Barry talks about the goodness of the Christian sexual ethic which recognizes the supremacy of God and the goodness of submitting to his authority in the area of sexuality. Following God’s design of chastity for the unmarried gives the Christian a means of expressing devotion to our Creator rather than unbridled sexual expression as the true mark of humanity.

Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Assumptions
August 20, 2018

In this bonus episode, Kyle and Daniel sit down with Dr. Barry Danylak, who has spent a lifetime studying what it means to be a single Christian and whose life is devoted to working with singles in the church. They talk about Barry’s practices as a single, celibate Christian, his scholarship on sexual ethics, and his understanding of the historical context of first century sexual ethics.


Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak: Covenant Seminary Chapel Service
May 13, 2015

Barry addresses the students and faculty of Covenant Seminary (St. Louis, MO) on the topic of biblical singleness.


Rev. Dr. Barry N. Danylak:
The Boundless Show with Lisa Anderson (Focus on the Family)
November 20, 2014

The Bible has a special word on singleness. So says biblical scholar Barry Danylak. Here he shares specific words on singleness from the Old and New Testaments, plus Jesus’ attitude toward singles, what the “gift of singleness” actually means, and much more.


In this bonus episode, Kyle and Daniel sit down with Dr. Barry Danylak, who has spent a lifetime studying what it means to be a single Christian and whose life is devoted to working with singles in the church. They talk about Barry’s practices as a single, celibate Christian, his scholarship on sexual ethics, and his understanding of the historical context of first century sexual ethics.


Barry addresses the students and faculty of Covenant Seminary (St. Louis, MO) on the topic of biblical singleness.


The Bible has a special word on singleness. So says biblical scholar Barry Danylak. Here he shares specific words on singleness from the Old and New Testaments, plus Jesus’ attitude toward singles, what the “gift of singleness” actually means, and much more.