Books + Articles
Singleness in God's Redemptive Story
Singleness in God’s Redemptive Story will greatly benefit Christian singles
in understanding how they are fully complete in Christ and will equip pastors
and church leaders with an understanding of the theological significance of
singleness within the flow of redemption history. This concise biblical theology
is a must-read for all those in ministry leadership.
*New* Article: Singles Matter: An Emerging Global Demographic
By Barry N. Danylak, Ph.D.
One of my African seminary students recently shared with me his eager willingness to forgo marriage and family for the prospect of serving as a dedicated church leader and global church planter. That student is not alone! One of the most significant demographic shifts in our world today is the growing numbers of singles in society and in our churches. As leaders, shepherds and disciple-makers we need to not only recognize the changing demographics, but also be prepared to respond. Our response requires theological clarity, interpersonal compassion and strategic adjustments in how we approach evangelism, discipleship and kingdom expansion.
Redeeming Singleness
Redeeming Singleness expounds a theology of singleness that shows how the blessings of the covenant are now directly mediated to believers through Christ. The book is accessible through here.
See reviews of Redeeming SIngleness.
A Biblical Theology of Singleness
This little booklet was the first the published synopsis of my biblical theology of singleness that was the result of several years of reflection. Much of the initial work was the result of a series of retreat talks I shared with the single adults of College Church of Wheaton in 2004. Helpful feedback spurred further thought and development that culminated with the material in this booklet. The Grove series is produced by Ridley Hall in Cambridge for the primary benefit of Anglican clergy members, but written at a level very accessible to those at all levels of biblical training. The booklets can be ordered here.
Redeeming Singleness In French: Le Célibat Réhabilité. Signe Du Royaume Qui Vient
The French translation of Redeeming Singleness is available on here.