Endorsements + Testimonials

When I met Barry Danylak at Tyndale House in Cambridge, England, in the summer of 2006, I was amazed at the research he was doing on a biblical theology of singleness. Not only was the scope of it unprecedented, but the theological and practical insights struck me as biblically compelling and practically urgent. I don’t know of anyone else who has ever provided the extent of biblical reflection on singleness that Barry has provided for us here.

-Dr. John Piper, Pastor Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis

I have read many authors who have written on singleness and no one comes close to the impact that Dr. Barry Danylak has had on me personally as a single man in ministry. For those who recognize our mandate to reach the unreached demographic of singles in North America, Danylak’s A Biblical Theology of Singleness is a must read. He has altered and aligned my understanding of being unmarried. But more importantly, Danylak centers his teaching on singleness in the message of the gospel and in our eschatological hope that awaits all the redeemed. As a matter of fact, a major strength of Danylak’s teaching is not just on singleness, but a biblical theology of family, the body of Christ. In light of this, single women and men are truly hopeful and never alone.

-Dr. Christopher Yuan, speaker and author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story

An unmatched theology of the satisfying opportunity of singleness to reveal God in a unique way from married people.

-Dr. Larry Crabb, Founder/Director NewWay Ministries

Amidst extremes of celibacy versus marriage in Christian traditions on the one hand and today’s proliferation of sexual noncommitment on the other, Danylak gives us a thorough-going biblical theology of singleness.

-Dr. J. Scott Horrell, Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

Danylak effectively dismisses the myth that singles are second-class citizens and shows how the single life can be a testimony of God’s faithfulness and unfettered devotion to the gospel.

-Dr. Evan Lenow, Professor of Theology & Ethics, Southwestern Seminary


I like the way Danylak methodically and progressively turns over pieces of the biblical jigsaw and assembles them to reveal a thoughtful perspective on marriage and procreation. From the New Testament he firmly grasps the nettle of exegetically difficult passages, and with reference to the cultural influences brings a redemptive perspective to singleness for the contemporary world.


-John D. Wilson, Missiologist and mentor (Southeast Asia), World Team

As Senior Pastor of a local church with many people who are not married, I have come to realize, through many years of ministry, just how important it is to be intentional in building into the lives of those who are single. Our mission is to disciple each individual, whether single or married, to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus who will be equipped to introduce others to Jesus and to accomplish God’s redemptive purposes in the world. SEE Global is able to come alongside and equip the church in this strategy as it seeks to teach a biblical theology of singleness and marriage and build into the lives of each of its members.

-Dr. Henry Schorr, Senior Pastor, Centre Street Church

With insight and clarity, Danylak has presented profound biblical and theological truth that can revolutionize the church’s understanding and affirmation of singleness.

-Steve Brown, Key Life Network Radio, Orlando

For centuries churches have neglected what the Bible has to say about singleness for the sake of the kingdom, to the detriment of nuclear families and the testimony of the Church. Amidst a global health crisis and political polarization, a meaningful minority of Christians serving the Lord with undivided attention is needed now more than ever.

-Pieter Valk, Executive Director EQUIP,  Nashville

The paradigm shift has opened the blind eye. You can be barren physically and yet fruitful spiritually, you can be single, widow and widower and yet married to the ministry of God’s kingdom. 

-Kennedy, Pastor from Zambia and student of Marriage, Singleness & Family course

It’s been a great privilege and time interacting with you on Marriage, family and singleness. . . . From a ministerial point of view, I have so much concentrated on Marriage and family when it comes to counselling people. When I talk about singleness, the thought that some have been called to live like that has not been registered in my heart. Even though I read those texts. It is very funny, this is indeed a timely course to also change or rather adjust on my philosophy and perception of ministry. Indeed, the Lord is right when He says, “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.

-Geofrey, Pastor from Zambia and student of Marriage, Singleness & Family course

Singleness is something that I have struggled with, but being empowered as part of the Singles community in the church has brought me closer to God and gave me opportunities I never could have dreamed of! It has reminded me that I am complete in Christ and that God has a plan for me during this time!

-J. Amulung, SEE Global Web & Graphic Designer, Member of Jakarta 2019 Spiritual Care Team

The SEE (Singles Engaged and Empowered) Conference was a new and exciting experience. It was packed with thought-provoking information and insights via the main and break-out sessions. What stood out most was the function of singles in the church today. Often, I have felt the lack of a relevant community to engage with within the church, not realizing that I could be a confident single in ministry. It was a great reminder that several evangelists in the Bible, including Jesus, were sold-out singles for God. The sense of belonging I gained was unmatched. This conference was truly engaging and empowering!

-J. Wiebe, SEE Conference 2019 Attendee